BP Oil Spill Cleanup Crews Subjected to Poor Working Conditions
Many response workers who participated in the Gulf oil spill have reported exposure to poor working conditions, says the BP Gulf Oil Spill Help Desk. "

02/18/2014 // BP Oil Spill Claim Website // Greg Vigna
Thousands answered the call to help with cleanup efforts following the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. The disaster was so far reaching that cleanup crews were still active throughout 2013, three years after the spill.
For BP Cleanup, 2013 Meant 4.6 Million Pounds Of Oily Gunk
“This year, crews have collected 4.6 million pounds of oily material from the Gulf Coast shoreline. Coastal residents are asking how long they'll be living with the effects of BP's 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.”
For more information about BP cleanup efforts, please visit http://www.npr.org/2013/12/21/255843362/for-bp-cleanup-2013-meant-4-6-million-pounds-of-gulf-coast-oil.
A study published in the American Journal of Medicine last year suggested that those who participated in the cleanup of the spill have an increased risk for a range of illnesses including cancer, due to the toxicity of oil and chemical dispersants used to breakup oil.
BP Oil Spill Cleanup Workers Are At Higher Risk Of Sickness, Cancer
“At the time of the spill, cleanup crews reported feeling dizzy and fatigued, suffering headaches and nausea. Workers have also reported increases in asthma and coughing up blood. Long term, those could be the least of their worries.
Workers who participated in the report were found to be at an increased risk for cancer, as well as kidney and liver damage. The toxicity can seep into a workers’ bone marrow, too, affecting their production of red blood cells, the Houston Chronicle reports.”
For more information about the health risks, please visit http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2013/09/17/2632351/oil-spill-cleanup-workers-sick/.
The shocking information has left many with questions about their medical and legal options today.
A settlement has been proposed to help sickened oil spill response workers recover medical costs and other damages they’ve incurred as a result of helping in the effort. Those who have attempted to file claims for compensation, but were denied still have the opportunity to be receive settlement funding.
The BP Gulf Oil Spill Help Desk is available to help injured response workers who have questions about their medical and legal options assess their eligibility in accordance with the proposed settlement. The resource can provide a free case evaluation to those who contact them for help today.
Social Media Tags: BP Gulf Oil Spill Help Desk, injured response workers